You ever just get peer pressured by the entire internet to make a Newgrounds account or else the Tankman would be mad... yep that's me
Since I have nowhere to post updates, I'm just gonna do it here, you know, since I refuse to get Twitter again, and Youtube forces me to get around 300-500 subs just to use their bootleg Twitter
Life has been pretty mid, I'd rather not disclose my living conditions on this site, it's just where I live right now is filthy (you're probably giving me so much sympathy for something that nobody on this site can do, it's ok, you can't just unmove my house)
I might get a drawing tablet soon, so my art won't look like utter dogshit, that's always a plus, maybe then I can post some art on Newgrounds, maybe even animations of I get off my fatass and actually contribute to society
I have tons of shit I gotta work on, some Youtube videos I gotta finish, and I have a shitty FNF mod I'm planning on updating, so there's that
well it was nice updating, but I should work on my projects, GOODBYE