What's up my Skibidi Sigmas, can't lie and say, next year is going to be interesting to say the least, and pretty scary for a lot of people, but if Toby Fox has hope, then hey, I will as well. It's kinda what FairyPrincessLucy said "The world is a beautiful place, and you deserve to enjoy it", and you all enjoy v3 to be out by now. it's time to announce the final progress update

Status (I think we getting this mod)
anyways, most of the month was spend finishing up Gigadrain and Missed, the final two songs I had to work on, I think I did a good job with them TBH, and the mod might actually get some exposure, and at the least, I know my friends are gonna be enjoying the mod on the 25th. This is kinda like my Christmas gift to all of you, and to make up for the wait. this update was supposed to come out on July, then October, and now it's coming out on Christmas. so yeah

New Background for Embers
All that's really left for me to do it, an OST release, finish up some charts, and two more cutscenes. this update is honestly pretty big, it's switched FNF engines 3 times, and has a lot more flair and polish from 2.0, it really helps it's no longer just me working on things, and I'd rather have me and the team collaborate than to do all of this myself again, like have you seen how 2.0 came out. I know I'm not gonna be the only new mod on the block this Christmas, but on the bright side, you all have been pretty hyped for this thing, and it's like basically done aside from a few things we need to finish.
It's been a wild ride tbh, 2021 - 2024 was a pretty rough ride for me, here's hoping that by a miracle next year I can finally live a better life, It's not impossible for things to improve. and I have a feeling me releasing this can definitely make a change in the world for the better, even if it is a dumb FNF mod. Also we've had talks of a 4.0 update, the catch is I'm not gonna be working on it as much, and it's just gonna be a mixes update, basically more Tim and Ozone mixes. I'm gonna have Tonotim oversee the next update, since I'm gonna be busy with a lot of shit, IRL and online. I'm really hoping this mod can sorta be my big break in a way, but also everyone on the team's big break as well.

Thank you for playing our game
honestly thank you all for supporting us during everything, especially the ones who played 2.0 and who also gave feedback and support, you all are really cool. Stay Hydrated, Stay Safe, and as always, Stay Funky
-GiffanyCD (Isabelle)