Working on Vs Nova is both a blessing and a curse. on one hand, I have a team of people who are willing to be passionate about something I'm also passionate about, on the other hand, Hyperfixations can only last for much longer. I want this to be the final update because I really don't want to work on modding this game anymore. I know I usually have periods of burnout, but I'm finally getting fed up with hearing the same beep-bop voices over and over again for the past 4 years.
This update keeps getting scaled back, due to not wanting to work on so much at once, and I'm trying to get everyone to pitch in, so me and Tim don't have to do all of the work. but even so, we all have tons of projects and other interests in our lives. The mod isn't gonna get canned, I keep saying that because it never does, one of us gets the FNF hyperfixation to return and we continue working on this thing, but we're scaling back a lot of what we had in mind, mostly cutscenes and a different freeplay menu. Considering I haven't even touched the mod this week, aside from showing it to a friend, I think development is on a bit of a break at the current time of writing this. doesn't help that Summer is always stressful for me. although I get more time to work on these things, I also don't have much going on, I get bored easily, or I pick the wrong time to work on things.
we want the mod to release by the end of 2024, but we don't know when, even though we don't have that many songs to work on, it's still a huge task for these last few songs, there's a lot to them. we also don't wanna overhype it or bank on it too much, these are freaking FNF mods, they aren't gonna be anything amazing. I will however enjoy showing this to my friends and family, and people who will check out the mod when it releases. I admit I've been lazy, taking 2 years to make the funny Flash game mod update, but I can hope at the least when we do release this. we can mentally rest, not having to feel the non-existent pressure of releasing this damn thing, and with this being the final update, we're making sure we add everything we wanna add, that's reasonable...
we keep saying to "don't expect much", but who knows, maybe you all will find this interesting to say the least
-Isabelle (GiffanyCD)