So hey, good news. we're making progress. Me and The Team are getting shit done.
ok, progress update stuff
Nova status:
Main story stuff: 40% (we have almost all the songs done, we just need to finish the sprites and flesh out a possible mechanic we might add to one of the songs)
Sprites: 40%, Nova and BM's sprites are the ones I'm focusing on at the moment, with Nova it's hard because she has so many I need to add, and BM... I can't spoil it. you'll know what I mean when it's finished
Music: 80%, Almost all the songs are done, like I said, just have to finish a couple more and fix the mixing on some
Cutscenes: 10%, once the rest of these are done, I think these should be a priority, not all of them will be super advanced, but as someone who barely animates, you can see why this is delaying stuff
Charting: 70%: really good progress is being made, we just have the chart the new songs, all of Nova's songs are already charted, so we're just tweaking them to feel better to play, also, maybe more difficulties for new players
Freeplay shit: 60%? (oddly enough most of it, progressing well. some of it, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.)
Sprites: 50%, it's hell I know, but I have a feeling more progress will be made soon. reminder, if I didn't choose to redo everything, the update would probably progress faster, but I'm choosing to redo most of the art for fun I guess, and to maybe fix some errors. again the new characters are gonna be tough as well, so stay tuned
Music: 80%: I genuinely have like two more songs that need to get done, and maybe one song will get completely redone, only if the musician (Tonotim) is in the mood to do said song. but surprisingly, we're close to having the full OST completed, most of it was done last year, so this year is mostly gonna be focusing on sprites and putting this shit in-game.
Charting: 70%, most of these songs don't have their vocal melody changed, so not much charting is needed, with the new songs. We will have to chart them eventually, only 3 songs are on our radar to chart, and some recharts will only be made if we think it's necessary
Misc/other shit: mostly other stuff we need to get done eventually to give the mod some flair
UI tweaks: 40% we're possibly planning on changing the look of some UI elements to have the mod stand out a bit, you might have noticed the SICK! ratings for when a combo was changed in 2.0, I'm planning on also changing some other UI elements, like notes, countdown sounds, etc. Most of the base game stuff is gonna stay the same, for consistency. but don't be surprised if the arrows get a new coat of paint
Trailers, OST videos, other stuff: Depends% I do have a final update trailer I plan on making for this, but no OST videos have been made yet, we might make those eventually.
Crediting stuff: you may have noticed a problem recently with creators not being credited, this has also been a problem in the FNF community. I noticed I forgot to credit a couple of scripts that were in the mod, due to forgetfulness, getting them from a pack that didn't credit the authors, etc. With this update I'm going to credit everyone's scripts.
Players Guide: ???%. This is a wee bit outdated atm, the current player's guide hasn't been touched since last fall, so some stuff is gonna have to get updated and worked on when I'm able to. I can't promise it will even be done for the update. we'll get there when we get there
In total
Sprites: 40%
Music: 80%
Charting: 50%
Other: 30%?
In some actual development news, we have a couple of guest composers for the mod, which are Horizon95 and Tonotim, with Solxrity also maybe helping with a song. I wanted some musical variety for the mod, having me compose like the whole OST was hard enough, me being the director and also helping with everything else... yeah so thankful to have these 3. they mean a lot to this mod. we hope you enjoy the OST, it's pretty good so far.
as for the development plans, stuff is also going great. we've both scaled down the update while also making it beefy enough to be considered an update. most of the Novamixes are being swapped out for the new songs. so it may seem like the amount of songs remains the same. but the quality of everything has improved a lot, I'd rather have variety and all the songs stand out on their own, than to have Week 1 Novamix and the dark mode remixes clogging the roster.
we're working on an actual story mode. 4 weeks (including Nova's week), but in total 5 new songs with 2 freeplay songs being turned into songs for story mode. also some new game over screens and cutscenes. what we have planned is going to knock your socks off (my lawyers have advised me to state: we can't knock your socks off, but if it happens... idk run)
for free play, Joke is back, and you might know about that Jonkler song, it isn't replacing it, they both get to stay, good ending. Libitina isn't gonna be in the mod tho, Libitina will be replaced with the guy, and Mentallity is getting removed as well. but as for additions, I think the same amount we had in 2.0, with the new free-play songs taking the place of the ones that got moved to story mode. overall most of the filler is being replaced with substantial content.
I'm afraid that the new update would have around the same number of songs as 2.0. but with the complete overhaul going on, it might make up for it. we don't want this update to be the same song and dance as 2.0 was. in a way, just an update, and hey, the old songs, I will keep in the files, along with the assets, so you can play them anytime you want I guess.
Anyway, I can't promise a release date, it comes out when it comes out. if I had to estimate I'd say about April or May if we're working nonstop. either way, we hope when it's done in the oven, you all can enjoy this next update.... have some sneak peaks

um, happy 2024, I'mma sleep as well
-Isabelle (GiffanyCD)