I think this one is necessary, since we're going through a bit of a progress block for multiple reasons. you know personal life, redoing shit again, the usual lack of motivation in this fanbase. Don't worry chat, we're not gonna like cancel or anything, you're definitely getting that teaser I promised, just the cutscenes aren't finished I guess.
Let's start with a few things
They're not a big priority for a reason, it's because they take so damn long, just the Novapeebo cutscene we're redoing, it's not even that long, but just the simple animations take the longest, doesn't help that Krita crashes so much.
You see, there's a story to this mod, it's told through cutscenes in-between songs and some context clues in the songs themselves, and the cutscenes are most likely the reason Ozone and Auth's week are gonna have like only two songs, I don't wanna animate them... that being said, A couple of things to keep in mind, we made a community survey again, and you all won't mind not having a few cutscenes, which is gonna save us some time.

This is gonna save us a shitload of time by the way, also for any future cutscenes, we might simplify the cutscenes a bit so we're not spending so much time on them.
in total around 7 cutscenes at the least, 3 of them are from Nova's week, and the rest are for the upcoming weeks, we're gonna be a bit lenient, one week might not have a cutscene at the start of the week, and we're not counting the splash screens we're adding to the end of every week that let you know you've unlocked the next week. but then again, if Tim or Whispers are willing to help me with these, then who knows, maybe we might get one more
that reminds me
You ever look at an FNF song you've made, a character you've made, sprites, etc. and you just go "FUCK IT, WE REDOING EVERYTHING"
that's the whole reason I made 3.0, it was not feeling like everything was complete, so I double-downed and just, continued to work on it... and here we are. thankfully Tim wanted to help with this, and without them I don't think 3.0 would be in the state that it is, Tim is willing to take risks and comes up with some really fucking good ideas for this shit. I do sometimes tell them "that might be too much for us to handle" or "I don't think we have the budget for that".
I need to remind everyone we're like a team of 8 people, two of the members at the moment just came in to help with song mixing, one as a guest composer, and one to help give feedback and help with one of the upcoming songs. recently, most of the work has been done by Me and Tim up until a few months ago, when we got HyperWhispers and DisplaceDev onto the team, I noticed they were willing to help with art, something I've been dedicating most of my time to doing for this mod. so we got some new artists on the team, they're both helping with Pixelart for one of the songs and some story mode art, which is saving us a lot of time. I'm still animating obviously, but I'm more lenient with letting these two help with the art direction, I give some feedback when necessary, but I think it's going pretty well at the moment
there's some stuff that we haven't even touched yet animation-wise, and due to this, I'm making Character Reference Sheets for all of the characters and shit, so the team can draw these guys easier, I'm aware Nova is pretty hard to draw.
Also, the song list keeps changing, we either remove or re-add a song to the list, it's kind of a headache for me. considering a couple of the songs we scrapped for the reason of them feeling like filler. especially since Supernova Ultimate, the redone version, it's just a completely new song now. so it's being renamed.
You know ever since the Weekend 1 update came out, we've been wanting to add some of the shit that was in that update, but none of the scripts we found work most of the time, they either crash or are janky as hell, or there is no script. we heard ShadowMario, the guy who made Psych Engine, is porting Wekend 1 over, which if it comes out soon, that might mean one of the songs we'd wanna do can be more possible than ever... also results screen from what I've heard.
but enough rambling, the last progress block we're facing
not gonna lie, this whole month has been shitty, the world just keeps falling apart, and my aggression and impulse control just keeps getting worse. I need to remind you, I'm not the chill person I am online, IRL, I'm pretty toxic and unable to socialize for the life of me. I'm working on fixing myself, but there are to many variables, outside of my control to deal with, doesn't help my sleep schedule is completely ruined, I'm waking up at 5PM, and I go to bed at like 6 or 7AM in the morning, that's... NOT GOOD. and of course, this is going to affect the mod. you've probably noticed multiple times I've tried to cancel the mod and just backed out of that to go back to working on this thing, that's just because or two reasons. for one, I don't enjoy seeing a mod just get a canned build, and most of the time, nobody follows through with it, it gets revived, you know the drill. and in this case, it's never canceled because of drama most of the time, it's just always, this fanbase is filled with creeps and toxic people who start drama and ruin people's lives. The fact most of you all have been supportive of the project and want to see us continue, of course, that's one of the reasons we keep going...
but also the second reason, is that the team doesn't wanna cancel the mod, there's so much effort we're putting into this, and most of us put our past differences beside and just passionately work on this mod. Dev hopes that the mod finally gets the recognition is deserves, same with Tim and everyone on the team. we want this to be the final update, and we've been trying to go all out with this.
We hope you enjoy the mod when it comes out, we keep saying it comes out when it comes out, because we're kinda in development hell, but somehow we're closer than ever to making this bitch a reality.
also I hope I can finally stop working on FNF shit for a long while. I need a freakin' detox from FNF, like three years of this shit?
anyways, it's 4am, gonna go attempt to sleep
-GiffanyCD (Isabelle)