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    Isabelle @GiffanyCD

    Age 20, Female

    Artist and musician


    Subspace Highway

    Joined on 2/8/22

    Exp Points:
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    GiffanyCD's News

    Posted by GiffanyCD - July 27th, 2023

    SoftDon is fucking disgusting, damn..... I feel really bad for the victim of all of this torment and I send my condolences to you.

    I swear, a new piece of drama comes up and it gets worse and worse each time... I'm just more and more devastated inside each time. I feel like I can't trust anyone now... It's getting to a point where making a vent post about everything isn't enough, I need to scream as loud as I can to let out this stress

    For one, the fanbase being manipulative pieces of garbage 80% of the time really pisses me off. and the 20% of people who are sane human beings. you guys are cool.

    I truly feel after Vs Sonic.exe 2.0 was released, the community has just been a fucking dumpster fire. almost all the devs on that mod we're pieces of shit, and the few devs who are genuinely nice people don't get treated with respect by the community. it's like there's a new EXE mod every 2 seconds even though Gamebannana banned revival mods for that reason. and I'm getting sick of seeing creepy Sonic. it's the reason I've barely been working on Libitina shit, I just don't feel like it's worthwhile even if I enjoy working on it.

    even the NG mods are beginning to get involved with drama. the fucking base game is getting drama now. and I'm fucking done....

    for all of you waiting for Vs Nova, don't worry. although now would be the perfect time to just cancel it for good. I still gotta finish 2.0. I think after that I'm fucking done making FNF shit for a while. the only novamixes I feel like doing are the DDTO and Scott the Woz ones. I've dedicated myself to funny Nova mods for too long, after I'm done putting love and care into 2.0 and I release the damn thing. don't expect any FNF content for a while. (say maybe a remix of two if I'm bored or if I new mod comes out that I actually like)

    sorry for losing my shit, this just felt like the last straw. I've been pretty mad at the community ever since the drama with 3.0 of VS Sonic.exe/Leaking Base Game

    Posted by GiffanyCD - July 17th, 2023

    been making some sketches for some future Vs Nova levels


    Stress (Novamix) Mockup. Nova is holding Auth with her tail, (Like Week 7 no way)


    Faker (Novamix) Mockup. I haven't started Black Sun and Godspeed's mockups. Nova and Auth are wearing Azura the Good Witch cosplay (they just got back from a convention)

    EXE is gonna fucking murder them, or will our two protagonists slay this beast?



    rough draft BM week sketch (GF is tied up)


    forgot about 2.0 for a second. remember I'm still on break

    have a Glooby Sprite


    Posted by GiffanyCD - July 16th, 2023

    Tom Fulp cool



    Posted by GiffanyCD - July 16th, 2023

    I'm so tired, guys


    also fuck Monika.exe, she's what ruined EXE culture



    Posted by GiffanyCD - July 15th, 2023

    just gonna post this since Youtube is being a bitch about it


    D-side Nova, Auth, Ozone (Mantle), Butterfly Mech (MothBoy), Boxel (Domerra), Tiffany, and Phantome (Snakem)


    D-side Amy, Marina (Azure), Kiera, Glooby, Ball (Cube), and Bupstick (Bupsphere)

    if anyone is missing, it's because I'm designing them/ I can't show their D-side Design yet



    Posted by GiffanyCD - July 14th, 2023

    Gonna get this out of the way. I've been taking a break from Vs Nova development. mostly because my Left Arm (My dominant arm) has been feeling really sore for a couple of days. don't worry, We're close to finishing it, I just wanna break so my arm heals

    Also... If you're still wondering why some of my art isn't up anymore. I'm just not proud of it. I want my art on this site to be quality. I know I'm really hard on my art style and stuff, but I do understand that you guys enjoy my art (and think my art style is charming I guess)

    Also another thing regarding Vs Nova... I've wanted to make a 3.0 update eventually. but regarding the Novamix side of this possible update. I realized I've had this fear of accidentally adding too much content, like the mod being 80% novamixes of pre-existing FNF songs. and I don't want that. I don't want Vs Nova to be just D-sides 2 or something (this mod is about Nova characters after all)

    so I've decided that any other Novamixes I make won't be for the mod, and might just be labeled as remixes or something. with some exceptions. most of the Novamixes are supposed to be important to the story of the mod. so there are a couple I'm still gonna make for a possible 3.0/ eventually in general. I've also decided I'm gonna release these before I put them in 3.0, so I can worry about making sprites and art for them later...

    So the remixes that will definitely be in 3.0 are

    -Week 3 Novamixes

    -Week 4 Novamixes

    -Week 7 Novamixes

    yeah... that's, it, but I might still do a couple of mods that are important to the Story and lore

    so like

    -Vs Scott the Woz Novamixes (Scott's main week)

    -DDTO Novamixes (only 3-4 songs)

    -Faker, Black Sun, and Godspeed Novamixes (I was going to ask Revie for permission, but she said we no longer need permission in FNF mods, so that's cool. still in concept stages like all of these)

    these 6 weeks are gonna have story reasons on why everything is happening, and I'm forming a timeline.. like I've said, I'm gonna release these before I release a 3.0 update. or might make these a separate update entirely...

    as for the Ourple Guy mixes... that's a maybe. I haven't been enjoying modding those ones in, or making art for them (aside from lore) just fell off of Ourple Guys I guess

    and I gotta worry about 2.0 atm, and other shit... like Taxes


    Posted by GiffanyCD - July 4th, 2023

    Happy 1 year anniversary Vs Nova DX, my first real FNF mod is 1 year old, you should go play it while we wait for 2.0 to come out: https://gamebanana.com/mods/387412

    anyways, I just wanted to say, thank you all for being so cool. ever since DX was released I've been hard at work making an update for the mod, you probably noticed I don't refer to the mod as Vs Nova DX anymore, and why the next update is just Vs Nova 2.0.

    you see Vs Nova DX was just supposed to be a remaster of the OG Vs Nova mod I made before that one, it was just a Week 3 reskin, but DX was sorta a transitional mod in between that and 2.0.

    2.0 is sorta what I wanted DX/Early 2.0 to be, but due to multiple reasons, DX was just a proof of concept in a way, with 2.0's early development months just being bickering with the co-director I won't mention, and us not having a clear direction for the mod, even after recovering most of the lost data

    I actually wanted Ozone and Auth to get full weeks for 2.0, but we're lucky they have songs in the first place.

    like I've said many times, I've been working night and day on this mod, staying up till 4-6 am just to work on it, I'm hoping after I finish 2.0 I can take a break from FNF for a while (or at least Vs Nova). I honestly don't think the mod is going to be noticed by anyone big, like Communitygame or anyone, and I'm fine with that. but if it does get noticed, that would be cool.

    either way, all I really want is to just finish the mod, I've been putting all this work into it, and I want to make something I'm not only passionate about but something that's quality...

    ... you know, I will say this about 2.0, most mods I notice nowadays that are as big as something like Vs Sonic.exe 2.0, have big dev teams and a shit ton of new mechanics and gimmicks. that's the thing, even if the dev team is maybe 4-6 people at least, they put so much quality into it and makes sense, each one of them is focusing on something individually and manages to get it out at a decent time (if they're lucky/no drama between the devs).

    Vs Nova 2.0 has around the same amount of original content as 2.0 of Vs Sonic.exe, but like was made by one girl, who is me.... when you hear that you go.... "ayo Giffany, you good?"

    the funny thing is, I also put way too much effort into the little things, so it's not just some back and forth with like 3 characters in the same locations for each song

    like I don't wanna spoil it, but when I release 2.0, you'll know what I mean. for someone who doesn't know how to program, I sure was able to put most of what I wanted in the mod.

    even if most of the "animation budget" went to Nova's week and a couple of the free-play songs. the songs are still bangers at the moment. also, I managed to finally capture Phantomarcade/Evilsk8tr's art style. it's not perfect, but it looks like something you'd see during the golden age of FNF mods, and to me, that's all I ever wanted.

    before I go, have this cool teaser image


    I wonder what that's for

    stay funky



    Posted by GiffanyCD - June 13th, 2023


    So uh, VS Nova's development is going pretty well, at the moment, Nova's week is finished (I just gotta iron out some bugs and add the easy charting)

    Ozone's sprites and complete, and I'm working on Auth's sprites at the moment

    Libitina has her poses and idle sprites finished, I just gotta finish her voiceline sprites. oh and did you know, Pog is coming to the mod... (I only have Pog's sprites done, I still don't have the background finished)

    At the moment, All of Nova's songs are done, same with Ozone and Auth's songs. I just gotta finish Joke v2, Fresh Novamix remaster and remaster (Lore Novamix). and there are the other songs that I'm keeping a surprise. I can't say anything else about them

    overall, the mod is maybe 50% done, I just gonna finish the songs and sprites (and some cutscenes). chart the songs/ implement the sprites. and work on the promotional materials for the mod

    I still have everything for this update planned out. it could possibly come out during the summer if I play my cards right

    have some uh... teasers



    Cool Screenshots of the cool build (Don't mind the weird lines, the bottom crowd's need to be optimized)


    Auth's poses I'm working on


    mockup for (Lore Novamix)




    This isn't gonna be used at the moment (I just made it for fun)

    anyways that's it, I'm gonna go sleep now (or work on the OST renders or something)

    GN either way

    Posted by GiffanyCD - June 2nd, 2023

    never gonna use it ever again, but maybe you'll enjoy it

    Posted by GiffanyCD - May 30th, 2023

    I've just been, tired, and I have a lot to get off my chest

    This past year has been a fucking nightmare for me, I've felt constant dread and misery online and IRL due to personal reasons, arguments with my family, some IRL trolls trying to "GET BACK AT ME" for some drama they knew nothing about, a community I was a part of just beginning to fall apart due to some drama I and a former friend got into. and just me being fucking homeless for two years/being an incompetent asshole!

    I've felt fatigued and miserable because of it, and my behavior and sanity have gotten a heavy toll, the only thing keeping me remotely sane or even alive in some cases is.. well working on Vs Nova

    just gonna say it, last year SUCKED, the only good thing that came out was a fucking FNF mod and some animated movies I haven't seen yet (and the Sonic 2 movie, almost forgot). when I was working on Vs Nova 2.0 that year, my PC just fucking shat itself, and I accidentally deleted all of my data and couldn't recover it. which lead to a big chunk of non-archived shit for the mod being lost through that and some incompetence on my part

    thankfully the year ended with Hypno's Lullaby 2.0 kinda releasing, even though it got canned. IMO 2021 was such a better year, even though that's when I became homeless. FNF mods were awesome 90% of the time, and even though I was homeless, we did take a trip across the country for a while, and that was pretty fun NGL. I got into Owl House around that time and it was fun as fuck to catch a new episode on my MFing shitty laptop on Owlhouseclub.net or whatever it was called. and Deltarune Chapter 2 was released... and I was actually making friends at my new school at the time. yeah even though I was still homeless things were pretty great...

    then fucking 2022 happened, and things just got worse. FNF-wise, the community was falling apart, Sonic.exe had that stupid as fuck drama and the mod was actively getting worse. which was leading to FNF just getting worse alongside it. The base game was seeing delays and shit, and I feel bad for The Funkin' team, if you guys are reading this, I hope you guys are able to release the next update whenever you're ready to do so, and I hope things get better.

    IRL for me, shit got rough, we moved to a fucking shelter for the whole year, which made me fucking lose it almost every two seconds being in the same room with my family 70% of the time. my grades began to drop, which lead to this year being the worse year for me grades-wise. and most of my friends I made last year just stopped talking to me. oh yeah, and Knightwatched SUCKED FUCKING ASS. even when I got shit done, the team just didn't wanna fucking work. our final episode didn't get released because the teacher said we rushed it. and the segment I made where I reviewed one of Kawaiisprite's albums didn't get released (actually I'm glad it didn't get released, it felt just as rushed as the rest of the episode). like last year had some great fucking episodes. but even without the new "every segment has to be 3 minutes at maximum", this team just didn't get shit done, I'm also at fault for not focusing on writing scripts/taking orders/and just forgetting basic instructions due to my low attention span.

    and to top it all off, last fucking year I was going through so much mental anguish and turmoil. due to internet communities, I was in, my family still not caring about my mental health at times, or me just being extremely moody with them. and me feeling this guilt that's been haunting me since 2021. I don't think I've been able to contact a proper therapist to help me with my mental health since it's been getting to unsafe levels.

    when 2022 ended, I thought a light would be at the end of the tunnel, but it also began to spiral back down for a bit.

    I started to lose friendships with friends online due to drama. and this just added to this guilt I've felt for two fucking years. I'd feel bad and let horrible people back in, which I should've done, and it's just led to me being in even more trauma and pain. I remember one day I got home and got into another argument with my mom. I had a panic attack prior and she had a fucking hissy fit about me bothering people when I couldn't FUCKING BREATH (and that feather method from Celeste wasn't helping so I was fucking losing hope) and then she left the room, and I finally broke down crying, I was going to talk to my friend about this, but while I was typing, tears came down my face and I..... it felt good but I just still felt horrible. my friend online calmed me down and she talked to me about all of this... thank you Leslie, you actually helped me through a really tough time

    I think I remember writing a poem about that experience. Ressurections was that poem, it’s still up on this very Newgrounds page.

    Just this guilt, it’s made me feel like I can’t feel happy making a choice without regretting it two seconds later. I’ve stopped taking care of myself due to laziness, and I’ve felt even more guilty. I feel like people view me as some stereotype or just a freak IRL. and this guilt becomes resentment, and that resentment becomes misery, and that misery is fucking torture. And it just makes me pissed off and mad at people constantly. And then people get annoyed with my moody behavior. And I get mad at them for getting mad at me. And it fucking just cycles in on itself and I WANT TO TO FUCKING STOP FOR PETE’S SAKE

    I just feel anxious all the time, no not that, I’m straight up just paranoid now. About everything. I can’t let out these feelings anymore, without people hating me it feels. doesn’t help that my mom is super out of touch half of the time, and just calls me lazy or a “DRAMA QUEEN” which makes me so mad when she calls me that. No matter how much I let out, all of these emotions are like an endless handbag known as my imagination. I create art I’m proud of, but also all these intrusive thoughts get to me. They never leave my head, but I can’t do anything without some intrusive thoughts bothering me. I feel like I’m not in control.

    This toxic side of me wants to control my every move and just make me a just a GREAT person to be around ( I mean that sarcastically if you couldn’t tell)

    I always feel like it’s over, but this toxic side doesn’t go away. I hurt everyone around because of it. Or they hurt me because of it.

    I just want to stop being a shut-in, I want to be around people without being uncomfortable or feeling mini panic attacks. I want to be in a relationship with a woman who loves me unconditionally and can save me from this toxic hellscape, I want to actually be able to start HRT so my body isn’t extremely Masculine and disgusting. I want people to stop judging me for wanting to take said HRT and realize how happier I’d be with god forbid a non-flat chest. I want people to stop seeing me as a creep or a weirdo just because my posture or body looks different to these assholes. I want my fucking mom to stop telling me “YOU JUST WANT VALIDATION” or assuming things about me and thinking she’s right all the time. I JUST WANT TO STOP FEELING SO VULNERABLE

    I’d say “Sorry for all this melodrama” or something fucking stupid like that. But like I’m up to here with me and these fucking shitty people I surround myself with

    Everyone on the Nova server has been super supportive and actually cares about my mental health. Unlike some others. I just feel like I’m losing control of myself and am becoming a toxic person due to letting my anxiety turn me into it’s fucking PUPPET ON A STRING…

    I’m hoping I can see a therapist soon. I’m sick of being so incompetent and annoying to everyone I meet. Sorry, I’m a helpless dumbass. At least you all like my art

    It’s now almost 5 am… school is in like 2 fucking hours. I feel so empty, I want pasta….

    I’m so hungry, I miss being able to eat

    Stay funky I guess
